Thursday, 7 July 2011

July 7th - Response to Class

Today in class, I watched 2 webinars: “Apps for Children with Disabilities” and “Apps in Action for Reluctant Readers”. I found both of these sessions very useful. I downloaded some of the apps that were mentioned as I was listening to the webinar.

In the webinar on students with disabilities, I loved the section on Apps for Autism. I work with some Kindergarten students who are autistic and I know they would do really well with the apps that were mentioned. I downloaded the Fluid 2 app and played with it - it really is calming and relaxing! I know with my kids, they have certain times in the day when they just need to take five minutes of quiet time. Letting them play with Fluid 2 would be a great activity to help with this.

I also liked the “Grooming” app as well. Teaching autistic students functional skills is a huge component in their education and I think this app provides an engaging way for them to learn essential life skills.

I use social stories with some of my students and although they do not yet have the literacy skills to use the “Quick Cues”, I think it is an app they can definitely access as they get older and their literacy skills develop. Improving social/communication skills with these students is our main focus and the links provided today definitely addressed these areas.

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